Articles, Interviews and More with the Attuned Health Team

  • New publication: Aging & Mental Health

    Our Director, Hayley coauthored this paper with research colleagues from the University of Melbourne on the effects of music-based interventions on behavioural and psychological symptoms of people living with dementia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

  • Dementia: Interventions for RAC Caregiver Stress

    Dementia: Interventions for RAC Caregiver Stress

    Our Director Hayey’s research on professional caregivers’ stress was recently published in the international Dementia journal. Hayley’s research focuses on intervetions to reduce caregivers’ stress and informs our Attuned Care services.

  • Australian Journal of Music Therapy

    Two of the Attuned Health team, Hayley and MeiLyn, were thrilled to have a a peer reviewed article published titled: Always Taking a Chance: A Retrospective Reflection on a Song of Advocacy by People Living Well with Young Onset Dementia, their Family, and Supporters

  • Restoring Capabilities with Music Therapy

    In this interview with the Aged Care Enrichment podcast, Hayley talks about the role of music therapy in supporting the wellbeing and functioning of older Australians, especially those living with a diagnosis of dementia.

  • The Magic of Music Therapy with Hayley Antipas

    Interviewed by Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio (USA), our Director Hayley share why music matters more than you think to continue living well with a diagnosis of dementia.

  • Attuned Health on the Big Screen

    Featured on Network 10’s, Studio 10 show Hayley was joined by a music therapy participant and his wife to share how music therapy is supporting them to live well through young onset dementia.

  • Performative Activism: Beyond Humanistic Approaches to Mental Health

    Hayley and Meilyn presented at the Australian Music Therapy Association national conference to share the impact of a single session community music therapy songwriting session with people living with young onset dementia and their supporters.

  • Dementia Action Week 2022

    The 2022 theme of a little support goes a long way resonates with music therapy which can make a big difference in the lives of people living with a diagnosis of dementia. Hayley spoke to the Australian Music Therapy Association about our work in this area.

  • It's Time to Think About Music in Residential Aged Care Homes

    Founder of Right to Music, the Music & Memory Foundation and principle contributor to the Alive Inside documentary, Dan Cohen asked us what families should ask when selecting a care home for their loved one.

  • Research: effect of MATCH on aged care workforce

    Hayley joins the Music Interventions in Neurological Disorders (MIND) research unit at the University of Melbourne to explore the effects of music therapy skill sharing via innovative technology.

  • Music: aged care's (misused) neuro-superfood

    Hayley discusses the importance of music in aged care and highlights the importance of clinically robust and sustainable practice, guided and supervised by registered music therapists.

  • Presenting a pilot project: Embedding music into care

    Hayley presented her industry leading Music & Wellbeing Program at the Australian Music Therapy Association National Conference. Sharing results and learnings of embedding music into aged care.

  • Music at Christmas in Residential Aged Care

    Music is often a key component of the Christmas season in residential aged care, but Hayley discussed the pros and cons with the Aged Care Enrichment Podcast.

  • Wisdom Wednesday: the Power of Music Therapy

    Hayley was interviewed by HelloCare reporter Jakob Neeland for their Wisdom Wednesday segment discussing why music therapy can be so successful. There is even a demonstration!

  • Music is Fundamental in Meeting Aged Care Quality Standards

    Interviewed by Aged Care News’ Bianca Roberts, Hayley discusses what influences her music therapy practice and shares thoughts about innovating practice to optimise aged care.

  • Embedding Music into Aged Care

    Talking Embedding Music Into Aged Care with fellow Registered Music Therapist, Alexandra Morse. Hayley shares her experiences and goals for music in aged care.

  • Passion Project

    Read more about Hayley's journey to discovering Music Therapy, her experience as a disability support worker, and hopes for the sector published in the West Australia.

  • Focus on Quality of Life

    Leading Aged Service Australia CEO, Sean Rooney quotes Hayley, talking about the importance of quality of life and the benefits of music therapy.